Goodreads Book Giveaway

From the Capital with Love by Daawy

From the Capital with Love

by Daawy

Giveaway ends April 14, 2015.

See the giveaway details at Goodreads.

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Monday, July 2, 2012

About Me

Since I was a child, I had three dreams I wanted to fulfill. My first dream was to study law, which I have already completed. My second dream was to be a teacher. I did tutor kids and still teach my younger siblings all their subjects in depth. My third dream was to be a writer and publish at least one novel in my lifetime. This dream grew bigger in me each day until I finally decided it was time to step closer into changing my last and greatest dream to reality. 
I often imagine myself facing a dramatic incident or having a touching or serious conversation with someone and think of ways I would respond to that particular incident. My imagination grew and soared into another world, oblivious of those around me. Writing years of thoughts, dreams and experiences would certainly make me feel better and make it all worthwhile. 
Furthermore, I wish to write since there are few writers from my background and country who have written romance novels in English. Perhaps with determination, motivation and your cherished advice and guidance, I will be able to bridge between the English and Arabic worlds. I also hope to correct any misconception about our thoughts and customs by introducing ‘real’ and ‘unbiased’ behaviors of many modern United Arab Emirates’ individuals. I would use my writing to discuss foreign concepts in the lightest and fairest way possible by introducing characters that one could relate to, no matter what background or race they come from. 
I have been carrying a story in my mind for more than a year and I hope to transform my mere thoughts into writing and wish that it would someday become a published novel.


  1. I hope you will fulfill your dreams.



    1. Thank you very much. I hope all your dreams come true too :)

  2. Good for you. Just remember there's more to it than having a story inside you. Don't expect to write a symphony without learning to play the piano, so to speak. There's a great deal of craft involved in writing. I remember my mentor would sometimes make his students cry. "My job is to help people make their work better," he said to me. "And I teach for the people who want to be taught." Great times, great man. If you really want to write, you should check out my blog. This isn't a plug. I get hundreds of readers every month and I'm published. I wouldn't waste my time on a plug. I just saw you on twitter and liked the cut of your jib.

    1. Thank you Wm. Luke Everest for your reply and encouragement. I recently started writing with publication in my mind. I have one short story published in an anthology. My novel idea has been approved and I am working on it. Writing it is certainly not easy especially with the first chapters, but I am enjoying the process, because writing is embodied in me since I was a child. I will love to visit your blog and learn from your skilled craft and expertise. I am really grateful for having you ―an accomplished author ―view my humble posts.

  3. Hi I just got your book yesterday and could not put it down. I connected with it on a very personal level and found myself laughing at myself with the similarities. The emotion was written as if the words could have come out of my own heart. I just wanted to congratulate you on your book, I loved it. Inshallah there would be more to come. Have a blessed day :)

    1. Thank you for purchasing and enjoying my book. I am sorry I am replying years later. I was not active in blogspot. I will post all my published short stories here, hoping that I will be more active in the future. Your words are truly encouraging. Thank you for being very supportive!
